The challenge of designing a house with a tight budget and space constraints, together with the essential duty of responding correctly to the requirements of the user, is sometimes one of the most challenging and motivating tasks an architect can face. How can you take advantage of space most effectively? How can you avoid wasted material? How do you anticipate the possible future expansion of the house? And how do you develop a simple design that also delivers value to its inhabitants?
To help you in this process, we scoured our projects archives to select 30 houses that provide interesting architectural solutions despite measuring less than 100 square meters.
70 Square Meters / ≈ 750 Square Foot
Casa Lampa / abarca+palma

Rio Bonito House / Carla Juaçaba

Tinhouse / Rural Design

House 28 / studio edwards

Casa BSO / BLOS Arquitectos

Loba House / Pezo von Ellrichshausen

Fiscavaig / Rural Design

Tent House / Chris Tate Architecture

Micro Cluster Cabins / Reiulf Ramstad Arkitekter

LESS House / H.a

80 Square Meters / ≈ 860 Square Foot
Quiet House / ARTELABO architecture

Urban Cottage / CoLab Architecture

Remote House / Felipe Assadi

Recycling Housing / Juan Tohme

Termitary House / Tropical Space

Mckenzie House / Atelier Workshop

Tepoztlán Lounge / Cadaval & Solà-Morales

Cozzi House / Germán Müller

MA House / PYO arquitectos

House in the Orchard / ŠÉPKA ARCHITEKTI

90 Square Meters / ≈ 970 Square Foot
MAJO House / Estudio 111 Arquitectos

weeHouse / Alchemy

Marindia House / MASA Arquitectos

A House for Children / GRAD arkitekter

Yard House / alberto facundo _arquitectura

Brick House / Ventura Virzi arquitectos

Gaspar House / Alberto Campo Baeza

Retreat in José Ignacio / MAPA

The Aluminum Cabin / JVA

House In Fukaya / Nobuo Araki

Note: This article was originally published on April 24, 2018, and updated on June 22, 2020.