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How To Become (or Rather, Look Like) a Famous Architect


We all know the typical architect’s look: a black turtleneck, slim fit pants, pointed toe boots, and minimalist jewelry pieces. Almost all of us, at one point or another, have tried to imitate the style of our favorite architect. Perhaps it was by sporting a pair of Corbusier and Philip Johnson’s iconic round glasses. Maybe it was through a chic statement haircut, or it could even have been by adopting the unofficial uniform of designers with the all-black outfit. If none of these sound appealing to you, there's no need to worry- there are still plenty of other ways to look like your favorite famous architect.

Centuries of civilizations built on structures designed by architects and yet, their voice is lost among the countless stories of rulers and armies and sometimes wondrous monsters. 

The Leewardists are rewriting the contemporary history of our civilization through the voice of this elusive being, The Architect.

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Cite: The Leewardists. "How To Become (or Rather, Look Like) a Famous Architect " 30 Apr 2018. ArchDaily. Accessed 19 Feb 2025. <> ISSN 0719-8884

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