Even in the age of instant information, museums enthrall us. Lining the tourist guidebooks of cities across the world, art museums are a must-see destination for visitors and locals alike. However, as our methods of communication and archiving change, driven by science and innovation, historic institutions such as art museums must keep up.
In cities around the world, art museums are redefining themselves to respond to the contemporary, experimental demands of the 21st-century. In Buenos Aires, the architecture of art museums showcases a diverse catalog of form, materiality and atmosphere, blending the instant, flexible demands of the modern age with a historic role of archiving some of humanity's most evocative works.
Below, we paint a picture of Buenos Aires' diverse art museums, showcasing the changing nature of exhibition architecture in one of the world’s most energetic cities.
Museos de Arte Buenos Aires
Museos de Arte Buenos Aires
The Museum of Latin American Art of Buenos Aires - MALBA
Address: Avenida Pres. Figueroa Alcorta 3415

Xul Solar Museum
Address: Laprida 1212

The Museum of Modern Art of Buenos Aires - MAMBA
Address: Avenida San Juan 350

The Museum of Contemporary Art of Buenos Aires- MACBA
Address: Avenida San Juan 328

The PROA Foundation
Address: Av. Don Pedro de Mendoza 1929

Eduardo Sívori Plastic Arts Museum
Address: Av. Infanta Isabel 555

National Museum of Fine Arts - MNBA
Address: Av. del Libertador 1473
The Amalia Lacroze de Fortabat Art Collection
Address: Olga Cossettini 141

Palais de Glace - National Palace of the Arts
Address: Posadas 1725

Museum of Architecture and Design - MARQ
Address: Av. del Libertador 999