For some practitioners of architecture, the insatiable desire to draw everything, from the largest to the smallest to take full control of the project, echoes the famous phrase uttered by Mies Van Der Rohe: "God is in the details." Similarly, designing furniture provides another creative outlet for in-depth exploration of human-scale works of architecture.
Throughout the history of the Brazilian Architecture, and especially since the modernist movement, architects not only became known for their building designs, but also for their detailed chairs and tables. Several of these pieces of furniture were initially designed for a specific project and then went into mass production due to their popularity.
In this impressive list of works, chairs and armchairs stand out for their incorporation of structural and technical-constructive qualities, materiality, ergonomics, and aesthetic lightness. Other pieces featured show the re-tooling and re-thinking of bars, carts, sideboards, tables, and other objects.
Here are some of the most well-known and esteemed design objects created by Brazilian architects.
Arthur Casas
Poltrona Dorival

Aparador Onda

Carlos Motta
Cadeira Brisa

FGMF + Estúdio Paulo Alves
Cadeira Farofa

Guto Requena
Nóize Chair

Isay Weinfeld
Carrinho bar Totó

Aparador Isay

Jorge Zalszupin
Carrinho de chá JZ

Poltrona Dinamarquesa

Mesa Andorinha

Lina Bo Bardi
Cadeira Girafa

Cadeira Beira de estrada

Poltrona Bowl
Marcenaria Baraúna
Cadeira Isa d’aprés siza

Cadeira Filó

Oscar Niemeyer + Anna Maria Niemeyer
Chaise Longue Rio

Oswaldo Bratke
Cadeira Oswaldo Bratke
Paulo Mendes da Rocha
Poltrona Paulistano

Mobiliário Sesc 24 de Maio - Paulo Mendes da Rocha + MMBB

Ruy Ohtake
Mesa de centro Zu

Sérgio Bernardes
Poltrona Rampa

Sérgio Rodrigues
Poltrona Mole

Studio MK27
Coleção Próteses e Enxertos
Vilanova Artigas
Cadeira Preguiça

Zanine Caldas
Cadeira Zanine N

Poltrona Cuca