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Open Source Plan for a Modular Urban Gardening Structure Offers a Flexible Design for Locally Grown Food


As a response to the fast-paced city life, GrowMore is an urban gardening modular design with endless configurations to suit even the most unexpected of spaces. Designed by Sine Lindholm and Mads-Ulrik Husum, the modular building kit provides an opportunity for social interaction and locally grown vegetation, reminding people to pause and connect with nature.

Open Source Plan for a Modular Urban Gardening Structure Offers a Flexible Design for Locally Grown Food - More Images+ 8

The vertical and horizontal construction components are connected in a pivotal joint. The pivotal joint allows all the elements to rotate; hereby making it possible to create endless 3D shaped designs from the same components – Sine Lindholm.

© Daniel Ruiz

The Danish duo plan to change our preconceptions of architecture by offering it at a human scale. By sharing the design open-source, anyone with access to a CNC machine can easily produce and assemble the 6 different plywood components into an array of ways to suit the specific context. GrowMore represents the maker-movement where flexible design in architecture is key for it to suit the individual maker.

© Daniel Ruiz
© Daniel Ruiz

Architecture does not have to be so static; mass media is a good example of this. We want to create architecture on a human-level, that is easy to understand, and gives a possibility for the user to be creative and playful and to create their own personal version – Mads-Ulrik Husum.

A 3D garden is an ideal solution to maximise the use of space for growing our own vegetation in a city where outdoor space usually comes at a premium. Lindholm and Husum have tackled this same issue before; Growroom was a DIY spherical garden developed with IKEA’s innovation lab Space10 in 2016, to promote local food production. Developing on the modular urban gardening design, GrowMore offers an adaptable system depending on the site and needs.


Architects: Husum & Lindholm
Lead Architects: Sine Lindholm, Mads-Ulrik Husum
Location: Seoul Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism 2017
Year: 2017
Area: 3 installations, 30 square meters in total
Consultant: TagTomat ApS
Collaborator: Markant A/S
Client: Seoul Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism 2017
Supporter: Beckett Foundation, The Danish Art Workshops, Embassy of Denmark, Korea, Seoul Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism 2017
Photography: Daniel Ruiz

News via: Husum & Lindholm.

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Cite: Ella Thorns. "Open Source Plan for a Modular Urban Gardening Structure Offers a Flexible Design for Locally Grown Food" 26 Sep 2017. ArchDaily. Accessed 19 Feb 2025. <> ISSN 0719-8884

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