The Tallinn Architecture Biennale have announced Claudia Pasquero, Director of ecoLogicStudio, as the Head Curator of the 2017 edition, "bioTallinn". According to the organizers, a programme of exhibitions and symposia will "engage various architectural offices, artists, and scientists on the topic of biotechnology in architecture," examining in particular "the relationship between nature and the city in the Anthropocene age."

In the Age of the Anthropocene, "no ecosystem is left unaffected by human action," the curatorial outline declares. "The Urbansphere," here known as "the global apparatus of contemporary urbanity, sustains our cities' increasingly demanding metabolism, wraps the Biosphere in a dense network of informational, material and energetic infrastructures." "bioTallinn" will propose "a radical revision of the contemporary Urbansphere that strides beyond accepted urban boundaries and across scales, from the microscopic to the continental."
The focus of Pasquero's main project will be the peninsula of Paljassaare, in the Estonian capital. The main exhibition—Anthropocene Island—will be hosted at the Museum of Estonian Architecture and will showcase a future vision for the peninsula. While site-specific in nature, this collective project also examines the area as a prototypical case study of an Anthropocene landscape, the inevitable frontier of future urbanity.
The convergence of biology and computation in architecture and urban design is considered by many to be one of the most promising future disciplinary developments. In this Biennale, I want it to embody a quest to expand the scope of our rational understanding of the impending global environmental crisis, and of the ability of architecture to unpack complex urban issues by reframing the problematic field and expanding space for solutions.
The Biennale will run from September 13th to October 27th 2017 in Tallinn, Estonia. On September 14th and 15th, a two-day international symposium entitled Polycephalum City will take place.