Margins, boundaries and borders
Relationships between built space and social structures
In Ten Books on Architecture, Vitruvius says that when man first mastered fire and saw that it was good, he gestured to others to gather around him. Once assembled around the heat and the light of the flame, they began to develop language to give names to the things around them. It was then that they needed to ensure that the situation would continue and began to build around them, to protect the place and the fire from inclement weather. Thus sprang architecture, from the desire to make communities last. But in addition to taking care of and protecting what was inside, the people and their language, their laws and norms, the built space also established a boundary and a border with what was outside: the wilderness, the unknown, darkness… others. Beyond the technical aspects, architecture and the city represent the solidification of the social spaces and the communities they shelter. Law and the word articulate the community and architecture and its walls maintain it in space and time, making the continuation of this situation possible.
In this edition of the Pantalla Pavelló (“Pavilion Screen”) sessions, we have selected a series of films in which the relationship between the built space, its boundaries and borders, and the people that inhabit it is accentuated and revealed in its maximum expression.
Architecture, and cities along with it, is not simply the innocuous backdrop and stage where we live our lives, but determines and influences how we live, just like our rules for living together and the laws regulating societies.
Based on this idea, the Fundació Mies van der Rohe – Barcelona, invites us to reflect on the built space surrounding us, the cities we want and, as such, the society we desire.
Each film will have a guest give a brief presentation and introduction to the subject. The film will also be followed by a discussion.
3 July, “La Zona” (“The Zone”)
Introduced and presented by Miquel Fernández – PhD in Social Anthropology and Professor in the Sociology Department of the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB)
31 July, “Beasts of the Southern Wild“
Introduced and presented by Daniele Porreta – PhD in Theory and History of Architecture
4 September, “High Rise”
Introduced and presented by Ester Jordana – Member of the Faculty of Contemporary Philosophy of the University of Barcelona (UB) and Professor at BAU.
“La Zona” (“The Zone”)
with Miquel Fernández
The wall is a contrasting and controversial urban image that appears as a symbol of deprivation, displacement and exclusion; an element that generates social and spatial conflicts. The Zone is a closed universe where the characters, ruled by fear, end up inventing their own rules regardless of the law governing others. Moral standards as the basic notions of respect and coexistence, are diluted in a primitive and dehumanised way of acting where the other, the one on the outside is no longer seen as a person but simply as an enemy to destroy.
Miquel Fernández González. PhD in Social Anthropology and master’s degree in Criminology and Legal Sociology from the University of Barcelona (UB). Master’s and graduate in sociology and social and cultural anthropology from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB). He has coordinated the publication of the book Fabricant l’immigrant (Pagès; 2009) and on this same topic, he has published the chapters “Immigrants per sempre?” (Els Altres Andalusos. La qüestió nacional, L’Esfera dels llibres, 2005) and “Immigració i associacionisme. De la nostàlgia a la ciutadania” (Els Terrassencs del Segle XX. Editorial Lunkberg, 2005) or articles such as “Treballadors invisibles. Ciutadans il·legals. Una esquerda a la Cohesió social de Catalunya” (Idees, 2008). He has published articles on other issues such as violence and new technologies (“La violència i la seva normativització”. Revista d’estudis de la violència, 2009; Joves, vídeo digital i drogues. Prevenim.dro. PDS, 2011). His latest research stage has focused on symbolic and systemic violence with various articles on urban transformation and urban alteration in the Raval district of Barcelona (“La invenció de l’espai públic com a territori per l’excepció. El cas del Barri Xino de Barcelona”. Crítica Penal i Poder, 2012; “Usos de l’estigma. El paper de la prostitució en la revalorització urbanística “Illa Robador”. Quaderns-e de l’Institut Català d’Antropologia, 2012; “Contra el bé, la civilització i el progrés. Apunts per una epistemologia de la moral relativa a les Intervencions urbanístiques al Raval”. Astrolabi: revista internacional de filosofia, 2012, among others).
His doctoral thesis “Matar al Chino. Entre la Revolución urbanística y el asedio urbano en el barrio del Raval de Barcelona” defended in 2012 was published by Virus Editorial in 2014. In addition to ISOR, he is the founder and first coordinator of the Observatory of Anthropology of the Urban Conflict, member of GRECS (Social Exclusion and Control Research Group) and professor of Anthropology of Social Movements and Project Design at the Master’s Degree in Social Exclusion of the UB. Professor of Contemporary Sociological Thought and Sociology of Identities at the UAB. Consultant of the subject of Sociology for the joint degree of Anthropology and Human Evolution offered by the Universitat Rovira i Virgili and the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya.
July 03, 2017 10:52 AMUntil
September 04, 2017 10:52 AMVenue
Mies van der Rohe PavilionAddress