City Cook Book invites projects and initiatives worldwide that work with food dynamics and culture to enhance public space and foster social interaction to be part of its platform.
If you have developed or are actively engaged in any such initiatives we would like you to share your experience in our open repository. The projects will be presented both in a digital platform and a publication.
To participate, fill and submit the online form
Have you ever enjoyed a meal together with friends and strangers alike?
Can you imagine a square hosting a big table that neighbours share for dinner in summer nights?
Is it possible to raise awareness and fight food waste by launching a public banquet prepared out of leftovers?
In recent years numerous initiatives worldwide have arisen using food to challenge the way people engage in urban public spaces. Combining various backgrounds such as art, architecture, activism or anthropology, this interventions have been put into practice without any commercial purpose but holding multiple intentions that range from enjoyment and celebration to education or political protest.
City Cook Book is a collection of initiatives enhancing public spaces by bringing people together through food culture. It aims to explore how food can be an effective tool to both transform our common spaces into sites for encounter and social interaction, as well as to engage with larger issues that shape our everyday urban life. Through its digital platform and its print-it-yourself publication, City Cook Book intents to visualize this phenomena, reflect upon it and inspire other initiatives.
Project funded by Ayudas Creación Injuve
Submission deadline : 23rd June 2017
Web launch : 30th June 2017
Details on the platform, publication and presentation event will be announced on www.citycookbook.org
We are inviting all projects and initiatives enhancing public space and social interaction through food culture to participate. All entries submitted in the specified terms and addressing the topics described in the About section are eligible to be included in the platform.
There is no maximum in number of submission per person or collective.
The content collected will be publicly displayed at City Cook Book digital platform.
Through a ‘Publish It Yourself’ strategy, City Cook Book will allow to print all or part of its content in a coherent manner creating an open customized publication.
This platform is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC BY-SA 4.0) but all contributors can specify the credits and use any license to share their content through the online form.
City Cook Book is a non-profit initiative developed by Claudia Sánchez and Íñigo Cornago.
In case of any doubt or query, you can contact us at: contact[at]citycookbook.org
Download the information related to this competition here.
Call for Submissions: City Cook Book – Enhancing Public Spaces Through Food CultureType
Call for SubmissionsOrganizers
Submission Deadline
June 23, 2017 11:59 PMPrice