The XX Chilean Architecture and Urbanism Biennial through its theme “Unpostponable Dialogues” invited academics, professionals, activists and the public sector from across the world to reflect on the matters that we have put aside in the construction of our cities and that are now pressing.
After a successful open call realized at the end of last year, in which over 400 proposals were received, it is clear that today it is fundamental to establish and reinforce the relationships between countries of the South that face similar problems, reconsider the relationships with the forces that govern our cities, and effectively include those that reside in the margins.
A selection of projects from the open call along with projects from guests invited directly by the curatorial team conform the 218 works that will be exhibited in the international exhibition “Unpostponable Dialogues” that represent architects, academics, activists and government organizations from 26 countries.
Activism, recognised as an emergent force in the configuration of our built environment will be a fundamental axis of the “Unpostponable Dialogues” and for the first time will be part of the contributions presented in the international exhibition:
Under this theme we understand not only the voluntary actions of resistance of some individual idealists, but also citizen participation as a democratic exercise in all its forms and manifestations. To understand its dynamic, we won’t limit the presentation to the mere result of a determined action, but we will focus on the process, methods and indicators, so that that the exhibition will provide an active tool for the architects of the future.
Claudio Magrini, Activism and Valparaíso Territorialisation Curator
The works of the exhibition of the XX Architecture and Urbanism Biennial will be displayed within a landscape of portraits of Chileans and immigrants, captured by the photographer Jorge Brantmayer.
Participants invited to exhibit:
- 51-1, Perú
- a77, Argentina
- AA Landscape Urbanism, UK
- AAA, Francia
- Aal (Advanced Architecture Lab), China
- Ábalos + Sentkiewicz, España
- After Belonging Agency / Lluís Alexandre Casanovas, Ignacio G. Galán, Carlos Mínguez, Alejandra Navarrete, Marina Otero, España
- AGENdA, Colombia
- Al Borde, Ecuador
- al911, México
- Alcaldía Ciudadana de la Municipalidad de Valparaíso, Chile
- Aldea, Chile
- Alejandra Celedón + Eneritz Hernández, Chile
- Alejandro Crispiani + Tomás Errázuriz, Chile
- Alejandro De Castro +Adelaida Albir + José Lemaître + Yashesh Panchal, España
- Alejandro Haiek Coll, Venezuela
- Alexandros Tsamis, Chile
- Alfredo Hidalgo Rasmussen, México
- Ambiente Arquitetura, Brasil
- Ana María Durán, Ecuador
- Andreina Seijas Jaspe, Venezuela
- Ángel Martínez, España
- Anjalendran, Sri Lanka
- Anna Puigjaner, España
- Anupama Kundoo, India
- ariztíaLAB, Chile
- Arquitectura Emergencia y Derechos Humanos (EARH), Chile
- Arturo Ortiz Struck, México
- Ateliermob - Arquitectura, Design e Urbanismo, Portugal
- Basurama, España
- Bilgrami, Pakistán
- BIOME Environmental Solutions, India
- MSc Building and Urban Design in Development, DPU, UCL, UK
- Carlos Díaz-Recasens + Gonzalo Díaz-Recasens, España
- Carlos Llop Torne, España
- Carmen Mendoza Arroyo, España
- Casa de la Paz, Chile
- CatalyticAction, UK
- Cazú Zegers, Chile
- Christian Werthmann, Alemania
- Ciudad Emergente, Chile
- Ciudad Viva, Chile
- Colectivo Muévete, Chile
- Colegio de Arquitectos Valparaíso, Chile
- Colonia Guerrero, México
- Comité Arquitectos Jóvenes Colegio de Arquitectos, Chile
- Comité Hábitat y Vivienda Colegio de Arquitectos, Chile
- Consejo Nacional de la Infancia, Chile
- Cooperativa Palo Alto, México
- Daniel Feldman, Colombia
- Daniel Moreno + Sebastián Calero, Ecuador
- Design Earth, USA
- Empresas de Servicios Públicos de Energía y Aguas de Medellín, Colombia
- Enable Foundation, China
- Enlace Arquitectura, Venezuela
- Entre Nos Atelier, Costa Rica
- Espacio Santa Ana + CRAC Valparaíso, Chile
- Esteban De Manuel Jerez, España
- Estudi d’arquitectura Toni Gironès, España
- Estudio Borrachia, Argentina
- Flavio Janches + Lisa Diedrich + Mara Anselmi + Diego Sepúlveda, Argentina/ Suecia
- Fundación Junto al Barrio, Chile
- Fundación Mi Parque, Chile
- GA Collaborative, USA
- Gabriel Salazar, Chile
- Hola Vecino ONG, México
- IF Valparaíso, Chile
- Interboro Partners + Tim Davis, USA
- Iñaqui Carnicero - RICA Studio, España
- Iván Theoduloz, Chile
- Jaime Lerner Arquitetos Associados, Brasil
- Jorge Mario Jauregui, Argentina
- José Ramón Sierra + Jaime Daroca, España
- Léopold Lambert, Francia
- Maddalena Dalfonso, Italia
- Manuel Herz, Suiza
- Mapocho Pedaleable, Chile
- MARC2/2, Filipinas/ Rusia
- Matharoo Associates, India
- Max Rohm, Argentina
- Migraplan, Argentina
- MIL M2, Chile
- Minga Valpo, Chile
- MIT Urban RISK Lab, USA
- Movimiento Furiosos Ciclistas Porteños, Chile
- Natura Futura Arquitectura, Ecuador
- ONG Vivienda Local, Chile
- Organización Comunitaria Funcional Meta, Chile
- Pablo Brugnoli, Chile
- Parasite 2.0, Italia
- Pasarelas Verdes, Chile
- Pedro Henrique De Cristo, Brasil
- Peter Mörtenböck + Helge Mooshammer, UK
- Pladeco Valparaíso, Chile
- Plan Cerro, Chile
- Plan Común, Chile
- Plan:B Arquitectos, Colombia
- Programa Cecrea del Consejo Nacional de la Cultura de Chile, Chile
- Programa VACA, México
- Quiero Mi Barrio, Chile
- Rebuild By Design, USA
- Recetas Urbanas, España
- Reclaiming Heritage, Alemania/ Chile
- República Portatil, Chile
- Rozana Montiel | Estudio de Arquitectura, México
- S-AR, México
- Samuel Bravo, Chile
- Sitio Eriazo, Chile
- Supersudaca, Chile
- Surco Studio, Chile
- Subsecretaría de Proyectos del Ministerio de Desarrollo Urbano y Transporte, Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Taller de Acción Comunitaria Cerro Cordillera / TAC, Chile
- Taller de Diseño EDU (Empresas de Desarrollo Urbano de Medellín), Colombia
- Tatiana Bilbao Arquitectos, México
- Terra e Tuma Arquitetos Associados + Pedro Kok, Brasil
- TOMA, Chile
- Tyin Tegnestue, Noruega
- Ukamau, Chile
- URBAM, Colombia
- Urban Design Lab, LATAM
- Urbanismo Social, Chile
- USINA, Brasil
- Vo Trong Nghia, Vietnam
Participants selected from the open call:
- A-RU / Agencia de Resiliencia Urbana, México
- Agustina González Cid, Argentina
- Alfombra Roja, Perú
- Anagramma Arquitectos, Chile
- Arquitectos Por La Reconstrucción, Chile
- Arquitectura Subalterna, España
- Atelier Da Rua Curitiba, Brasil
- Autoridad Sanitaria Recife, Brasil
- Balmori Associates, USA
- Catalina Pollak, UK
- CC Arquitectos, México
- Celine Verissimo + Andreia Moassab, Brasil
- Colectivo Complementarias (Ctct), Chile
- Colectivo Mob, Brasil
- Corporación Patrimonio y Paisaje CP&P, Chile
- Crescente Böhme, Chile
- Cristóbal Tirado, Chile
- Danika Cooper, USA
- Domingo Arancibia, Chile
- Elisa C. Cattaneo, Italia
- Elton-Leniz, Chile
- Espacio Lúdico, Chile
- FORMS - Fernández Ortega Research Modelling Studio, Chile
- Francisco Izquierdo Arquitectos, Chile
- Francisco León + Alicia Ross Arquitectos, Chile
- Fundación Juligon, Colombia
- Gobierno Regional Metropolitano de Santiago, Chile
- Gonzalo Mardones, Chile
- Habitabilidad FOSIS, Chile
- Instituto Cultural Bahía Blanca, Argentina
- Intendencia Montevideo, Uruguay
- Jaime Ovando Cid - Dideco Colina - La Cisterna, Chile
- Jean Araya Gladinier + Miguel Casasus Rodiño, Chile
- Johan Mottelson + Jørgen Eskemose+ Raul Machaieie, Dinamarca
- Junta Nacional de Jardines Infantiles – JUNJI, Chile
- La Companhia de Desenvolvimento Habitacional do Distrito Federal (CODHAB-DF), Brasil
- Luis Darmendrail + Patricio Zeiss + Alexander Bustos, Chile
- Magíster de Territorio y Paisaje UDP + Instituto de Geografía PUCV, Chile
- Mapocho 42k Lab, Chile
- Marsino, Chile
- Mayors Challenge: Municipalidades de Pudahuel + Valdivia + Estación Central + Santiago, Chile
- Melina Pozo + Esther Mayoral Campa, España
- Mendaro Arquitectos - Ignacio Mendaro, México
- Municipalidad Coyhaique, Chile
- Owar, Chile
- Parque Metropolitano de Santiago de Chile, Chile
- Paur/ Paisaje Urbano, Chile
- Pedro Gubbins + Pablo Talhouk + Antonio Polidura, Chile
- Ricardo Azócar + Carolina Catrón, Chile
- Ruta 4 Arquitectura, Colombia
- Sebastián Contreras, Colombia
- SECPLAN Municipalidad de Santiago, Chile
- Seremi Minvu Región Los Lagos, Chile
- Servicio Nacional de la Discapacidad, Chile
- Subsecretaria de Hábitat y Desarrollo Humano, Argentina
- TÁCTI.CO Taller de Arquitectura, Ecuador
- Vivienda Social Manaus, Brasil
- Zannah Matson + Jacob Moginot, Canadá
National University Participants:
- Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
- Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso
- Universidad de las Artes Ciencias y Comunicación, Chile
- Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, Chile
- Universidad Arturo Prat, Chile
- Universidad Autónoma, Chile
- Universidad Central, Chile
- Universidad de Chile, Chile
- Universidad de las Américas, Chile
- Universidad de Santiago de Chile, Chile
- Universidad de Valparaíso, Chile
- Universidad de Viña del Mar, Chile
- Universidad del Desarrollo, Chile
- Universidad Diego Portales, Chile
- Universidad Finis Terrae, Chile
- Universidad Mayor, Chile
- Universidad San Sebastián, Chile
- Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Chile
- Universidad Tecnológica Metropolitana, Chile
Public Institution participants:
- Consejo Nacional de la Cultura y las Artes
- Ministerio de Obras Públicas
- Ministerio de Vivienda y Urbanismo
- Ministerio de Energía
- Subsecretaria de Desarrollo Regional y Administrativo del Ministerio del Interior
- Intendencia Región Valparaíso
- Intendencia Región Metropolitana
- Oficina Nacional de Emergencia del Ministerio del Interior
- Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo
- World Bank
This Biennial looks to demonstrate that the phenomenon of architecture goes beyond the building and comes to make sense when it has an impact on people. For this reason a special selection of national and international participants will demonstrate the need to consider people before the architecture project.
The work of special guests that will be presented in the exhibition will not only be of architects, and will have the mission of demonstrating the relevance of the need of integrated architectures in its widest sense, to maintain and promote new forms of exchange and dialogue between people… people before projects. This is about contributing to the environment in which we live with a transversal perspective about the dialogues that we cannot avoid, in relation to the surroundings in which we live and that we see in its state of deterioration for different reasons.
Rodrigo Tisi, Creative Director and Special Projects Curator
The participants of this space will use new technological means of representation in order to get to a wide public directly. With humour and theatricality the problems that people are experiencing in relation to the place and environment in which they live are explained. The Special Projects room will invite the public to look at the surroundings that belong to everyone, being global, from a critical and reflexive point of view, going beyond the conventional impacts of architecture.
Various artists interested in architecture and wider notions of the idea of space will be part of the exhibition. The work of great international and local architects will be presented, such as the recent Premio Nacional de Arquitectura 2017 winner, the Chilean architect working in Chiloé, Edward Rojas.
This year we will celebrate the 40th anniversary of the Chilean Architecture and Urbanism Biennial and the curatorial team have organised a series of activities in parallel with the exhibits, within which they highlight a historical retrospective of the biennials in Chile, the project “Letters to the Mayor” led by Storefront for Art and Architecture and the consolidated workshop that this year will work as a direct bridge of communication and critical dialogue between architecture students, academics, public institutions and citizen collectives.
The XX Chilean Architecture and Urbanism Biennial is organized by the Colegio de Arquitectos de Chile in collaboration with the Asociación de Oficinas de Arquitectura and the Red de Escuelas de Arquitectura. Also collaborating are the Consejo Nacional de la Cultura y las Artes, Ministerio de Obras Públicas, Ministerio de Vivienda y Urbanismo, Ministerio de Energía, Subsecretaria de Desarrollo Regional y Administrativo del Ministerio del Interior, Intendencia Región Valparaíso, Intendencia Región Metropolitana, and the Oficina Nacional de Emergencia del Ministerio del Interior. The Empresas Socovesa and Antofagasta Minerals support the Biennial.
Felipe Vera: General Curator and Executive Director
Rodrigo Tisi: Creative Director and Special Projects Curator
Jeannette Sordi: Academy and Research Curator
José Mayoral: Academy and Research Curator
Miguel Cancino: Activism Curator
Claudio Magrini: Activism and Valparaíso Territorialisation Curator
Pola Mora: Practitioners Curator
Pablo Navarrete: Public Sector Curator
General Coordinator: Carolina Sepúlveda
Production / Public Sector and Universities Coordinator: Fernando Toro
Contents Editor: Constanza Larach
Contents Coordinator: Ignacia Acevedo
Territorialisation Valparaíso Coordinator: René Reyes
Workshop: León Duval, José Mayoral, Luis Felipe Venegas
Comunications: GRIETA - Sebastián Herrera
Piero Mangiamarchi, Diego Pinochet, Sebastián Cuevas, Anton Knyphausen, Tomás Rodríguez, Blanca Valdés.