COCA.17: The First International Architectural Communication Congress
The first Architectural Communication Congress (COCA.17), under the title MediActions [Mediations + Actions], will be celebrated from the 17th to the 19th of May in Madrid.
This congress is framed within the Architectural Communication Master’s Degree (MACA) of the Superior Technical School of Architecture in Madrid (ETSAM) and within it participate the Hypermedia Research and Innovation Group and the Department of Architectural Graphical Ideation (IGA) in collaboration with the Architectural and Design Doctoral School of the Università degli Studi di Genova (ADD).
It seeks to create common spaces between multiple disciplines and social agents. With the purpose of investigating the functions of mediation and communication in the architectural field, the COCA.17 MediActions activities are centered on the formation of a knowledge exchange network between the participants, the selected projects and the guests.
The lines of research of this Congress are organized around five types of MediActions: Instrumental, Pedagogical, Urban, Disclosure and Other.
COCA.17 MediActions counts on the presence of almost twenty guests who will reflect on themes ranging from architecture to criticism, writing, philosophy… At the round tables will participate, amongst others, Ter, MAIO, Estrella de Diego, Remedios Zafra, Javier Echeverría, David Bestué and After Belonging. During the three days a series of workshops and many public space actions will take place.
Furthermore, during COCA.17 MediActions the CO. exhibition will be inaugurated, an exhibition also created within the Architectural Communication Master’s Degree (MACA). In CO. the mediation activity of fifteen international groups which appoint an alternative role in the architectural practice will be presented: interdisciplinary teams, horizontal and collaborative, recognized as collectives. Their projects are presented through the processes and results, along with their ideas, principles and working philosophy. This exhibition will be opened in the Arquerías Hall of Nuevos Ministerios from the 18th of May until the 4th of June.
COCA.17 MediActionsType
May 17, 2017 05:00 PMUntil
May 19, 2017 11:00 PMVenue