Stortorget is one of the largest squares in Sweden and dates from the 16th century. Today it is an urban space that lost its old significance. LAND Arkitektur, Urban Design, and Marjamaa designed the new square for the city of Malmö. More images and architect’s description after the break.
The new square contains three parts: A frame, a passé partout and a painting. “The frame” consists of the facades of the buildings surrounding the square. “The passé partout” is a 30-meter wide framing of stone slabs that span around the entire square. A place for unloading, commerce and open-air cafés. “The picture” comprises three movements in a kind of cut and cutting technique. The folding originates from the limitations created by the archeological content under the square where excavation depth is restricted. In order to plant new trees, make underground installations et cetera one has to lift the ground, and this fact has been the leading design device of the project.

”A representative frame with a clear passé partout which highlights the picture with its intricate content” – so could the proposal shortly be summarized.

Architects: LAND Arkitektur, Urban Design, Marjamaa, Node (light design) Location: Malmö, Sweden Client: The City of Malmö Project Area: 25.000 sq.m. Project year: 2009-ongoing