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Lisbon Architecture Triennale: Open for Construction Works - Lisbon Cruise Terminal


Adults and Young People, Cycle of Commented Visits: A cycle of three visits to building sites in Lisbon. In the selection of projects are included public and private buildings of different scales, phases and typologies.

Lisbon Cruise Terminal (2017) – João Luís Carrilho da Graça

Facing both the Tagus River and the slope of Alfama, this project presents a building created as a simple volume, therefore answering the purpose to release the surrounding area to the public. The building assumes itself as a pavilion, a system of transhipment, a floating volume, with breaks that generate tension zones and inflections that suggest the entry and exit ways to the building. A path/sidewalk surrounds the building, allowing for the slow discovery of the different façades. This path rounds off at the roof that takes the characteristics of a stage or square.


20.11.201603:00 pm


Adults and young people (over 16)


João Luís Carrilho da Graça


Building Site


Lisbon Cruise Terminal Av. Infante Dom Henrique Armazém B, Loja 8 - 1900-264 Lisbon, Portugal.

  • Title

    Lisbon Architecture Triennale: Open for Construction Works - Lisbon Cruise Terminal
  • Type

  • Organizers

  • From

    November 20, 2016 03:00 PM
  • Until

    November 20, 2016 08:00 PM
  • Venue

    Lisbon Cruise Terminal Av. Infante Dom Henrique Armazém B, Loja 8 1900-264 Lisbon
  • Address

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Cite: "Lisbon Architecture Triennale: Open for Construction Works - Lisbon Cruise Terminal" 18 Nov 2016. ArchDaily. Accessed 22 Feb 2025. <> ISSN 0719-8884

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