Beijing International Design Week “International human settlements development Forum” is honoured to invite you to attend the first: Global Future Living Innovation forum and World-wide Travelling Exhibition.
In light of China’s recent urgent real estate reforms, the Global Future Living Innovation forum has the honor of inviting 100 top real estate developers in China, to have an one of a kind face-to face exchange together with 100 global design companies during the annual Beijing Design week. This will be a ground breaking event seeking to find innovative solutions to humanize the concept of housing, while providing real collaboration opportunities for developers and global cutting-edge architectural designers in China for the first time.
One hundred global architectural design companies / individual designers will be chosen out of worldwide submissions to to exhibit their works to demonstrate the future trends in living. In addition, 30 of the chosen candidates will be chosen to attend the 2 day forum and face-to face event in China, all expenses paid!
Proposed forum agenda:
1: << Global Future Living Innovation World-wide Travelling Exhibition Presentation >>
- The chosen 30 architectural design companies will present their submitted designs/schemes to real estate developers, as well as an online live broadcast to wider audiences
- Each of the chosen 100 architectural design companies will have their work exhibited with a link to an App service enabling real estate representative to rate and comment on each exhibited project, enabling future exchange between architects and developers.
2: << Global Future Living Innovation Forum >>
3: << Expert Presentations and Dialogue on the Future of Human Settlements>>
How will you benefit?
As one of the 100 chosen designers to exhibit works:
All the designers and their works, will be be introduced as a part of an in promotional video to be shown to widespread audiences before, during and after the event.
All designers will have the opportunity to have their work presented to the top 100 real estate developers invited to the event, creating valuable exposure to the Chinese market.
As one of the top 30 designers selected to attend the event:
- The organizing will cover international round trip air tickets, food and accommodation.
- Top 30 international design institutes’ work who attend contest in the centre will have opportunity to be selected into “Future Urban international Creative Design” works portfolio.
- On-site networking event with the top 100 China real estate developers, offering the opportunity to exchange contact information and possible future opportunities.
Special note: Organizers will cover international round trip air tickets, food and accommodation for all 30 selected global architectural design companies / designers within the scope of this event. All participants will also be provided with an official invitation letter for application of a Visa into China.
Selection Criteria:
The core issues to be addressed by submitted projects:
- Humanization of architecture, address the need for future design and urban development concepts focused on nurturing the natural behavior of humans.
- Innovative architectural planning, human settlements design, product design, representing a new concept for living.
- Advancements in the fields of construction technologies, materials, and artificial intelligence development which have contributed to improving the overall architectural process.
Category of projects include:
- Renovation/regeneration
- Interior and architectural designs (wide ranging across all typologies, housing, high-rise, public space, regeneration of country side, etc)
- Urban Planning (innovative architectural programming)
- Industrial/product design (household products, furniture, etc)
- Decorative building materials and displays
- Creative re-design of space (ie: art, student works, etc)
- Sustainable design, green design systems
- Intelligent innovative products
Note: Built works will have preference during the selection process.
How to Submit:
If you wish to be one of the 30 designers attending the event please submit the following by Midnight 24:00 09/12 EST, (including but not limited to):
- introduction of core project concept(PDF), and the PPT presentation you intend to present at the event
- Drawings and diagrams to represent the design: Plans, sections, diagrams, renderings, etc
- full/part model
- Official text and pictorial introduction of the head designer and company (personal photograph is a must, video would be beneficial but not necessary)
- No limit on the year of completion of the project
- All submissions to be zipped files as email attachments (can be multiple compressed attachments), no link to file transfer applications such as Google drive, dropbox, retransfer, etc.
Due to timing restriction for obtaining a Chinese visa, the submission date for designers wishing to attend the event in Beijing will need to submit their project by Midnight 24:00 on 09/12EST. Other designers wishing to having the opportunity to exhibit their works have up to Midnight 24:00 on 09/25 to submit projects. 30 selected designers will be notified before end of the day on the 09/15 to enable them to prepare for their trip to Beijing.
Submission contact:
All submissions can be sent to the following contacts, together with the required information as listed below:
Cher:+86 136-1184-0928
Email: futureliving@elab-plus.com
Mike: +86 139-1120-9703
Email: futureliving@elab-plus.com
Required Information:
Organisation name:
Postal Address (with zip code):
Contact person’s name:
Contact person’s position:
Contact person’s email:
Contact number:
Fax number:
For each participant of the forum:
Phone number:
We Look forward to your attendance! Best regards!
Global Future Living Innovation Forum at Beijing International Design WeekType
citias.com, elabFrom
September 06, 2016 01:08 PMUntil
September 06, 2016 01:08 PMVenue
W Hotel BeijingAddress