In its recent issues, The Architectural Review has been on a mission, highlighting a phenomenon that they have named "Notopia." Characterized by a "loss of identity and cultural vibrancy" and "a global pandemic of generic buildings," Notopia is - in overly simplistic terms - a consequence of the cold logic of market forces combined with a disinterested populace. The AR's campaign therefore aims to analyze this "thing of terror" and push back by raising public awareness and by proposing alternatives. And they need your help.
Download your own #Notopia postcard https://t.co/7l6M42k3gN • Can we prevent the spread of generic architecture? pic.twitter.com/TLd43YPv30
— Architectural Review (@ArchReview) August 18, 2016
The AR is collecting postcards of drawings and suggestions by their readers for change; whether it's a simple proposal such as planting more trees in cities, the resurrection of an idea from a more idealistic time or even a completely original proposal, they want to hear from you. Download and print the postcard template here, and read the rules for submission on the AR's website here. The deadline for submissions is October 15th.
Finally, if you'd like to learn more about the phenomenon of Notopia, check out AR editor Christine Murray's last two editorials here and here. You can also read more articles about Notopia at the AR's website and in the June issue of The Architectural Review.
✂️ Download your own #Notopia postcard https://t.co/7l6M42k3gN • Can we prevent the spread of generic architecture?🖍 pic.twitter.com/asm5cBRGMD
— Architectural Review (@ArchReview) August 19, 2016