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Copenhagen Architecture Festival Summer School: Film and Architecture


Through interdisciplinary master class studios the CAFx SUMMER SCHOOL explores relationships of architecture and film during eleven days in August 2016. Six upcoming architects and filmmakers under 40 years old will co-teach three thought provoking master class studios in Aarhus. The architects and filmmakers have been selected by an international jury on the basis of their recent submissions to the Future Architecture submissions (see here).


  • Johann Lurf (A)
  • Anja Humljan (SI)
  • Marta Ordeig (D/E)
  • Carmen García (E)
  • Léopold Lambert (F/US)
  • Clément Blanchet (F)


Under the headline "Form beyond image" the three summer school studios with a maximum of 12 participants each will explore new interdisciplinary perspectives and positions in various medias such as film experiments, storyboards, manifestos, drawings, sketches models and 1:1 prototypes.

The studios are supplemented by key lectures and prominent figures invited from within the fields of film and architecture. Participants are expected to bring their own hardware and software equipment to rethink and re-envision the relations of architecture and film.

The studio works will be documented in a final publication and will result in the Film x Architecture exhibition opening August 19th at the Aarhus School of Architecture.


The CAFx summer school is open to both students and professionals with a background in Architecture and Film or those who are interested in exploring new interdisciplinary environments. To apply please submit 1 page motivational letter and a 5-page portfolio to, which will form the basis for the selection of participants.

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Cite: "Copenhagen Architecture Festival Summer School: Film and Architecture" 13 Jun 2016. ArchDaily. Accessed 1 Feb 2025. <> ISSN 0719-8884

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