North Carolina Modernist Homes (NCMH) and Hanley Wood (parent company of ARCHITECT) have partnered to create Colossus: a new digital archive of 20th century architectural publications, reports Architect Magazine. When complete, it will be the largest digital archive of modern architecture magazines, with over 1.3 million pages.
For NCMH, a non-profit organization dedicated to the preservation and documentation of mid-century modernist residential architecture, Colossus is a natural next step. The sizable collections of NCMH have already been uploaded, while Hanley Wood’s collection will be available July 1, 2016.
Finds in the archive can range from informative to humorous to nostalgic. Earlier issues evoke the distinctive aesthetic of the 70s, 80s, and 90s, while ads remind present day readers of the progress in building technology in recent decades. Read more about the project at Architect Magazine here, and see images from the archive below.
Architecture, August 2006 Page 6
Progressive Architecture, June 1987 Page 58-59
Architecture, August 2006 Page 14
AIA North Carolina, May-June 1970 Page 43
AIA North Carolina, May-June 1970 Page 4
View the full collection on Colossus: http://www.ncmodernist.org/colossus