Architectural disAssociation - A reflection on the state of the education of architecture at the AA. Open discussion inviting everyone with an opinion of the school - students, tutors and alumni alike to retrospectively reflect on the state of the AA's unit system and speculate the possible future of its education. This discussion will have no panel as it is an open floor discussion.
Is the unit system outdated? Our school seems to focus on the creation of individual geniuses, rather than the collaborative creator, promoting a polite society of segregated admiration rather than community of constructive dialogue. Surely this encourages competition, but are we rivaling for the shiniest render, or creative and intellectual enrichment? The AA has for a long time prided itself on its radicality, but what remains radical in the discouraging of contact among diversity? Should we begin to "associate" ourselves with each other, fill each other’s knowledge gaps or continue to further disassociation in our individualized incubators?
Mediated by:
Francesco Catemario di Quadri (student & co-founder of AAgora)
Sahir Patel (student & co-founder of AAgora)
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Architectural disAssociationType
Panel DiscussionWebsite
May 06, 2016 06:30 PMUntil
May 06, 2016 08:00 PMVenue
Architectural Association, Lecture HallAddress