The City of Kansas City is sponsoring a design competition to bring in new ideas, energy, and visions to the development of Twin Creeks. Individual and multi-disciplinary design teams from across the United States and beyond are invited to develop an inspiring design vision for a new linear park.
Twin Creeks is a predominantly rural area encompassing 15,000 acres in the Northland of Kansas City, Missouri. In 2015, the City completed over $43.5 million of infrastructure improvements in the area, enabling future development. Full build out of the area, which is expected to occur over the next 20+ years, could accommodate up to 75,000 people and 20,000 units of housing.
The focus of this competition is a potential new linear park that could stretch over 7 miles and up to 1,000 acres and serve as a backbone of the area. Entries must include an overall linear park conceptual design and illustrations of four different design scenario conditions, as described within this briefing book. Up to three teams will be selected as winning teams and present their proposals at a public event with the City, stakeholders and general public in Kansas City. The City will award $24,000 in total prizes, to be distributed evenly between the selected winning teams. One student submission will also be selected for Honorary Mention. Design proposals will be used to shape and inspire a new linear park and development in Twin Creeks.
Twin Creeks Linear Park Design CompetitionType
Competition Announcement (Ideas)Website
Submission Deadline
July 08, 2016 05:00 PMPrice