One of 23 teams selected in the Reinventer.paris competition, Jacques Ferrier Architecture, Chartier Dalix Architectes and SLA Architects have unveiled their winning proposal for the Ternes-Villers site, titled “Multi-Layered City.” Located at Boulevard Périphérique (Ring Road), the competition entry has a unique opportunity to transform Paris at a highly strategic spot.

The proposal calls for a network of gardens extending beyond the site to connect Paris and Neuilly, from the Bois de Boulogne to the Porte de Champerret. In the multi-layered city, the Ring Road is crossed by a landscaped bridge, inhabited by covered markets, shops, a school of urban horticulture and a co-working space. A public garden sits on top, with openings from multiple points onto the public space.

Above the bridge, there are residential units and offices, designed to allow evolution and expansion along with the city. The roofs connect to create an urban farm dedicated to growing the first Parisian tea. Community pavilions allow occupants of both residential units and offices to take advantage of this garden.

The whole plan becomes an environmental machine, contributing to the quality of life in the city.
Bd Périphérique, Paris, FranceLead Designer
Jacques Ferrier Architecture, chartier dalix architectes, SLA ArchitectsStructure
DALWood Conceptor
Serge AiraudiCommunity Construction Platform
Atelier BNP Paribas, Afnor, Spice Soft, FluicitySocial Housing Landlord
3FTea Grower
Comptoir RichardUrban Farmer
MUGOCar-Sharing Operator
20000.0 m2Project Year
Courtesy of Jacques Ferrier chartier dalix architectes / image SPLANN , Courtesy of Jacques Ferrier chartier dalix architectesArchitects