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BIG, SANAA and Lacaton & Vassal Preselected in Competition to Design the New Aarhus School of Architecture


After receiving applications from 42 teams to pre-qualify for participation in a competition to design the new Aarhus School of Architecture in Denmark, three teams have been selected: Lacaton & Vassal, along with Powerhouse and Kristine Jensens Tegnestue; SANAA, along with B+G Ingenieure and Sasaki and Partners; and BIG along with Transform, Rambøll and SLA.

The school will be built in the center of Aarhus, and aims to be ready for inauguration by 2020. In the next stage of the competition, expected to take place in the fall of 2016, the teams will present their designs. The winner will likely be announced by spring of 2017.

“We believe that we have found three extremely qualified candidates who can create exciting and challenging proposals for a new school,” said Lisa Sørensen, Project Manager at the Danish Building & Property Agency, and Torben Nielsen, the Rector at Aarhus School of Architecture, in a press release. “They all have an uncompromising and convincing approach to architecture. LACATON & VASSAL master brutal and raw architecture, SANAA has a poetic simplicity while BIG can contribute with a playful and experimental approach.”

Learn more on the Aarhus School of Architecture's website.

About this author
Cite: Katie Watkins. "BIG, SANAA and Lacaton & Vassal Preselected in Competition to Design the New Aarhus School of Architecture" 18 Nov 2015. ArchDaily. Accessed 19 Feb 2025. <> ISSN 0719-8884

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