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The Experience of Architectural Space: A Design Experiment


What is architectural space? How is it perceived and experienced by the user? What reactions does it produce within the human mind and body? The Experience of Architectural Space is a interactive design experiment conducted by students of Hunter College. The experiment takes place within Natasha Johns-Messenger's interactive installation within El Museo de Los Sures, ThreeFold, curated by Melissa Bianca Amore.

The installation plays with the participant's perception of the gallery space and ultimately with the very act of perception itself. Subjects in the experiment will enter the gallery space and have their pulse read at three critical junctures within the installation. The readings will be collated into virtual maps which will show the human reaction to the perceptual space created by the artist.

We are looking for 20 individuals to participate in this ground-breaking scientific experiment. Participation will take no more than 15-20 minutes. The trials will take place on Mon, Nov 9th from 6-9 PM and Tues Nov 10th from 10-1 AM. If you are interested please email with your preferred time and contact info. Thank you!

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Cite: " The Experience of Architectural Space: A Design Experiment" 06 Nov 2015. ArchDaily. Accessed 17 Feb 2025. <> ISSN 0719-8884

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