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India Under Construction ‘Smart SoCIeTY’


India Under Construction (IUC) is a dialogue confluence of how smart management and planning have made some cites and rural basins, the benchmarks for habitat development. Now in its third year, the India Under Construction conference has tackled critical urban issues such as “Informal Cities” on inclusive development and “Design as Social Capital” on the key role of design in the creation of the urban fabric.
This year’s theme is Smart SoCIeTY and it aims to veer the conversation more to ‘society’ and less to ‘smart’; or at least the popular definition of smart. It aims to give voice to practices and professionals who are intensely engaged in making the urban experience meaningful, responsible, sustainable and inclusive.

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Cite: "India Under Construction ‘Smart SoCIeTY’ " 14 Oct 2015. ArchDaily. Accessed 24 Feb 2025. <> ISSN 0719-8884

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