In a fast-paced and ever expanding city, looking at time as measure and inspiration will be this year's challenge. The workshop will investigate novel techniques of design for a crucial architectural and urban condition: time.
From its adventurous departure to today's worldwide architectural stardom, we will investigate the transformation and prospects of the city-state's curated architectural image. Defining methods and artefacts to represent the past and future of a city that never stops changing, the workshop will immerse itself into the existing condition of Singapore.
Through its short history, Singapore has been self reflective and expert in displaying its status and ambition through the built form. The city that constantly monitors itself possesses a wealth of historical and real time database and maps that will feed the workshop. This will be the prefect ground for mapping development over time, looking at contemporary conditions informed by what it was and what it can be.
Participants will develop drawings that depict the dynamic, the evolutive nature of the urban fabric in an attempt to question our perception of the city. We will synthesize time into multi-layered representations. Challenging the static nature of the medium we will find ways to illustrate mutations, shifts and transformation as time based associations. The studio based workshop will concentrate on the development of mapping techniques, inventing drawings that collapse the 3rd and 4th dimensions into 2D.
Eligibility - The workshop is open to current architecture and design students, phd candidates and young professionals and all interested in a studio-based design experience. The deadline for applications is 15 July 2015. A CV or portfolio is not required. Full details can be found at
AA Visiting School: Singapore WorkshopWebsite
August 31, 2015 09:00 AMUntil
September 05, 2015 06:00 PMVenue
Singapore PolytechnicAddress
500 Dover Road, Singapore Polytechnic, Singapore 139651