Back in May, we told you about the Sukkah City Competition, which asked architects to reimagine the sukkah, a temporary structure built to celebrate the Jewish festival of Sukkot.
Twelve finalists were chosen, and their designs will go on display in Manhattan’s Union Square Park next September 19-20. New Yorkers will vote on the twelve designs to choose a single winner that will stand throughout the week-long festival as the Official Sukkah of New York City. The finalists are:
Dale Suttle, So Sugita, and Ginna Nguyen / Henry Grosman and Babak Bryan / Ronald Rael, Virginia San Fratello / Kyle May and Scott Abrahams / Peter Sagar / tinder, tinker / Matthias Karch / Matter Practice / Volkan Alkanoglu / Bittertang / SO-IL / THEVERYMANY
Seen at the Los Angeles Times.