The next world congress of the International Union of Architects will be held in Tokyo, Japan, from 25 to 29 September 2011. The academic program covers research papers and design works, realized or planned, on the overall congress theme: DESIGN 2050. This theme is the opportunity for designers to express and present their visions of architecture and ideal cities and to imagine the tendencies of urban architecture prefiguring the world in 2050.
UIA TOKYO 2011 invites architects, engineers, researchers and students all over the world to express their opinions on the main theme DESIGN 2050 according to the three sub-themes: Environment, Cultural Exchange, Life. The authors of contributions that have been accepted by the selection committee will have the opportunity of presenting them during the congress between the 26 and 28 September 2011. They will also be published on the congress web site and on a DVD.
The deadline for the submission of abstracts is 31October 2010. Full details concerning contributions may be downloaded on the congress website.