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Graphisoft Archicad R14

Graphisoft ArchiCAD 14

Graphisoft recently released ArchiCAD 14. ArchiCAD was a pioneer in BIM, a tool that has now become standard not only in terms of design and construction, but also for the life cycle of buildings. ArchiCAD has been available for ages for the Mac users, having a large install base on that platform. Their pricing program has made it affordable for new practices.

But back to this new version. Graphisoft has added several new features aiming for better, open collaboration, something very important in terms of pushing BIM as a standard tool on which different professionals can work together. In ArchiCAD 14 we find several workflow enhancements (such as IFC integration, a neutral data model not controlled by any vendor) to successfully bridge along different CAD/BIM/MEP packages, such as Autodesk and Revit, a big step towards an effective IPD (Integrated Project Delivery).

This version also includes BIM Server to further improve teamwork collaboration (64-bit version for the Mac), and Teamwork “Pack & Go” (to allow you to keep working with your team anywhere you go).

More on ArchiCAD 14 new features after the break:

- Element Classification/Filtering - Core Setting of Load-Bearing Elements

- Customizable IFC Translators

- Direct Revit® MEP/Structure Link - Reference-model Version Tracking - Teamwork “Pack & Go”, Automatic Server Recognition - Automatic Data Release When Closing Project - Single-User Mode - Enhanced Data Reservation - Centralized User Color Management

- Teamwork “Face to Face” - Modular BIM Server

- Server Activity Monitor - Transparent Local Data Management - Direct Data Transfer Among BIM Servers

- Streamlined DWG 2010 Import/Export

- Dimension Text Prefix/Suffix - Expanded Find & Select Criteria - “Unlimited” Number of Layers in Composite Elements - Refined Column Veneer settings - Shadows in Open GL - Easier Selection of Trace Reference - Easy Offset Functionality - Enhanced Input Constraints

- Improved Schedule Interactions - Export Schedules Into Excel - Layout Book Improvements - Revisioning of Published Items

- Import Surveyor’s Data as Mesh - Improved PDF Output - Library Management Improvements - Migration of Libraries - New & Redesigned Library Parts

- Extended Window/Door Reveals and Wall Closures - New Opening Types & Sunshades - Minimal Space for Doors - Faster IFC Handling - Faster Generation of Schedules - Faster Library Reload

- 64-bit BIM Server on MacOS

Disclosure: Graphisoft is one of our partners, sponsor of our Software section.

About this author
Cite: David Basulto. "Graphisoft Archicad R14" 25 Jun 2010. ArchDaily. Accessed 17 Feb 2025. <> ISSN 0719-8884

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