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Open Call: US Searches for Architect to Design New Embassy Compound in Brasília


The United States Department of State (DOS) has released a request for information (RFI) in search of architects interested in designing a New Embassy Compound (NEC) in Brasília, the federal capital of Brazil. The (up to) $350 million, design-bid-build project will be located on a 4.86 hectares (12 acres) site near the seat of the Brazilian Government within the city's planned "Diplomatic Sector." All proposals must take in considering the site's conditions, the city planning context and the architectural significance of Brasilia as a 1956 urban planned city and now UNESCO World Heritage Site. More details after the break.

"The project includes designing all new facilities for a NEC on the existing U.S. Embassy site," says the DOS in its RFI. It will consist of "rebuilding the compound in the range of 20,000-25,000 gross-square-meters in area to include the Chancery, General Services Office/Support buildings, Marine Security Guard Quarters, warehouse, parking structures, utility building, recreation facilities, vehicular/pedestrian screening facilities, new landscaping plan, including preserving existing courtyards if determined necessary, and demolishing all the unused remaining buildings. The design will include a complete phasing/operational/moving plan for the construction to allow continued operation of the existing Chancery, and its support facilities through the completion of the office relocation and demolition of existing structures.

"The DOS project shall demonstrate true integrated design that balances aesthetics, cost, constructability and reliability, following the OBO 2015 Design Standards. This project will be designed to be highly sustainable. U.S. codes and U.S. Government (USG) requirements will apply as will applicable local zoning and building codes."

Read the complete RFI, here.

Project location

Address:Brasília - Federal District, Brazil

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Location to be used only as a reference. It could indicate city/country but not exact address.

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Cite: Karissa Rosenfield. "Open Call: US Searches for Architect to Design New Embassy Compound in Brasília " 04 Jun 2015. ArchDaily. Accessed 24 Feb 2025. <> ISSN 0719-8884

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