Enter the unique realm of the "beautifully disturbing" with Project Senium, a new short film exploring the aging interiors of an abandoned mental hospital. Named for the Latin word for 'decay', the atmospheric film documents the asylum in breathtaking depth and detail, elevating material often dubbed "ruin porn" to a level of cinematic beauty.
Deftly filmed, Project Senium allows viewers to swoop over the sprawling abandoned asylum, peering through rusted iron window bars, and walking through shadowed corridors. A narrator provides commentary and history of the undisclosed site, prefaced with the words: "You can look at the asylum as nothing but hazardous ruins, or you can look and see history, adventure, and beauty."
The filmmakers have described Project Senium as "[not] a tour video, a reality TV show, or a scripted movie. What we're trying to do is translate the experience of being there into a short, compact cinematic film." The video is accompanied by a series of high resolution images of the asylum depicted, which alongside additional information on the project can be viewed here.