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An Architect's Story: AIA Documentary Profiles Blind Architect Chris Downey


As part of their #ILookUp campaign to raise awareness about the importance of the architecture profession, the AIA has produced this short documentary about Chris Downey, an architect who lost his sight in 2008 and has gone on to become a pioneer in designing for the blind and visually impaired. Screened for the first time earlier today at the AIA convention in Atlanta, "An Architect's Story" takes a look into the life and work of Downey and one of his students, Sana Jahani, as they explain what architects can offer the world - and what the #ILookUp campaign means for an architect who is "without sight, but not without vision."

The film has been released ahead of the second phase of the AIA's campaign; on July 17th, the AIA will be launching a film contest "challenging film makers to create short films that inspire the world to 'Look Up'." Find out more about the AIA's #ILookUp campaign and about "An Architect's Story: Chris Downey" at

About this author
Cite: Rory Stott. "An Architect's Story: AIA Documentary Profiles Blind Architect Chris Downey" 15 May 2015. ArchDaily. Accessed 24 Feb 2025. <> ISSN 0719-8884

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