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Open Call: Peace Corps Host National Competition for Washington DC Memorial


The Peace Corps Commemorative Foundation (PCCF) is sponsoring a two-stage, national design competition to select an artistically exceptional design concept for a permanent commemorative work in the heart of Washington DC. This competition will provide designers from all across the United States an opportunity to create a compelling work of public art that will be bold and inspirational. The design should focus on and express American ideals and values that are the essence of the Peace Corps and Peace Corps service. It should be about America and our aspirations as a people, and about the Peace Corps as a manifestation of those aspirations. Submissions are due June 12, 2015. More information can be found here.

About this author
Cite: Karissa Rosenfield. "Open Call: Peace Corps Host National Competition for Washington DC Memorial" 12 May 2015. ArchDaily. Accessed 23 Feb 2025. <> ISSN 0719-8884

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