Pantone Inc’s claim to fame began 45 years ago with its revolutionary color matching system that allowed designers to reproduce accurate color anywhere in the world. Currently, the company is branching out and moving into lifestyle- oriented industries using the same color numbering system to guarantee an exactness of hue. As the company began expanding, Pantone decided to construct a hotel as part of the new “Pantone Universe” campaign. Designed by Michel Penneman and Oliver Hannaert, the hotel fully embodies the company, as “the hotel of colors… showcases the color of emotion with a distinctive hue on each colorous guest floor.”
More about the design of the hotel after the break.
The hotel is designed based on contrast and uses a white background, like a blank canvas, for specific colors to pop. The rooms are complimented by Victor Levy paintings which tie the colors together.

Each level of the seven floors offers a different color palette. The color schemes range from “earth, rich” to “cheerful, warm” and “fresh, eager.”

Pantone Hotel images collages from design:related