The second international Summer School run by the Bauhaus Dessau Foundation invites young students from various disciplines to take part in an idea contest held in Dessau from 21 to 30 July 2010. The format has been established successfully last summer, and will continue this year under the heading ‘Home is Everywhere’.
Based on Martin Wagner’s vision of a flexible living in the ‘Growing House’, the title of an exhibition held in 1932, the participants shall develop fantasies for a multi-local living in Dessau-Roßlau, they will work of the following themes: ‘Garden shead XXL’, ‘Home comforts on the move’, Boarding house’, and ‘Global home Platte’. The Summer School is aimed at students of architecture and town planning, but also of other disci-plines such as the humanities, mathematics, and art.
The Summer School fee of 300 Euro includes accommodation. For further information and en-rolment please visit or