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Video: Agence Chartier-Corbasson Talks Organic Skyscrapers



The latest video from takes viewers into the Paris practice of Agence Chartier-Corbasson, where Thomas Corbasson, one half of the founding duo, explains the firm's ongoing "competition of ideas" for developing an organic skyscraper.

Envisioned for what Corbasson describes as the "very dynamic city" of London, the "self-growing" tower is an exercise in biomimicry, drawing inspiration from coral and fractals to create "a sort of organic scaffolding." As yet, the project has no client, but Corbasson is confident that the concept will be met with interest.

"It's the social role of an architect to create something beautiful," he told, "And if we can use something ugly like pollution to create beauty then I think we, as architects, are useful."

About this author
Cite: Patricia Arcilla. "Video: Agence Chartier-Corbasson Talks Organic Skyscrapers" 14 Feb 2015. ArchDaily. Accessed 24 Feb 2025. <> ISSN 0719-8884

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