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Video: A Conversation with the Architects of the 9/11 Memorial Museum


"Typically, museums are icons that contain exhibits. This is the inverse: the exhibit is the icon." 

In this video, architects Steven M. Davis, Mark Wagner, and Carl F. Krebs of Davis Brody Bond come together to discuss the design process and visitor experience of the 9/11 Memorial Museum. Technical complexities and deeply emotional responses challenged the architects to craft an immersive experience of remembering. From the enormous scale of the site, to the celebration of the iconic surviving artifacts, the designers describe the overwhelming authenticity preserved by the memorial.

Wagner explains, "It pushed us architecturally, to not just look at the physical attributes, but to dive in emotionally… we need markers in our history, we need something to bring us back to that moment." It is this authenticity and embedded emotive power that the architects aim to enhance. Watch the video above to listen in on the conversation.

About this author
Cite: Sadia Quddus. "Video: A Conversation with the Architects of the 9/11 Memorial Museum" 23 Nov 2014. ArchDaily. Accessed 19 Feb 2025. <> ISSN 0719-8884

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