Frank Gehry, Daniel Libeskind, and Rem Koolhaas walk into a bar. What do they order? CAD Drinks, of course. It's a Singapore Sling like you have never seen before: drawn to scale, in elevation, and divided meticulously by content - ice cubes and orange slice included. Alcoholic drinks are colour coded, inventoried, organized and rendered in this downloadable DWG for Autocad. Architects rejoice: happy hour is that much closer to lunch hour.
Created by Autodesk Technologist Shaan Hurley, CAD Drinks are a playful twist on typical Autocad drawing tools. Row upon row of drinks are translated into drawings suited to the architect's brain, complete with instructions for preparation and consumption. The project has been immensely popular: Hurley has since released Whisky Drinks for Autocad and CAD Drinks for Engineers. According to Hurley, "this is a classic to enjoy plotted, not stirred."
Download your own copy of CAD Drinks here, and learn to mix with the precision of Mies Van Der Rohe.