”Mouthful of meetings” is a moderated conversation taking place at the 2014 Venice Biennale with a focus on socioeconomic sustainability and current projects in developing countries around the world. The event is organized by South of North, a collaboration between Nordic architects working in the non-profit sector in developing environments. Contributors will include contemporary Nordic and African practices with an emphasis on recent works of socially committed architecture. Read on after the break for more details of the event.
The event coincides with the Nordic Pavillion exhibition 2014, ”Forms of Feedom. African Independence and Nordic Models” which explores how modern Nordic architecture was a crucial element in aiding the development of Africa in the 1960s and 1970s. As a continuation of this historical narrative, the seminar will reveal recent architectural progress in the same region.
Collaborations on these recent works have led to the discovery of new challenges and questions, forming the basis of discussion for the event. These discussions will question how to create open communication between all stakeholders in a project and better enable an honest dialogue to evaluate designs. The conversation will tackle several of the issues that will influence the qualities of socially responsible architecture for the foreseeable future.
To learn more about the event, please click here.
Mouthful of Meetings Seminar at Venice BiennaleWebsite
September 19, 2014 05:00 PMUntil
September 19, 2014 08:00 PM