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The Future of Brick: Biodegradable And Bacterial


MoMA’s PS1 exhibit in Queens is a showcase for young architects with lofty ideas. This year’s winning firm “The Living” designed "Hi-Fy" - a biodegradable brick tower. Although the idea might seem far-fetched for housing, the idea is gaining traction. North Carolina start-up bioMason, recently won the Cradle to Cradle Product Innovation Challenge for their “biodegradable bricks.” So Kieron Monks at CNN had to ask the question, would you live in a house made of sand, bacteria or fungi? Find out the benefits of these modern bricks here.

About this author
Cite: Kieron Monks. "The Future of Brick: Biodegradable And Bacterial" 27 May 2014. ArchDaily. Accessed 24 Feb 2025. <> ISSN 0719-8884

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