Many more to come. But for now, let’s go back and see previously featured ORDOS 100 houses. Check the first and second part also!
ORDOS 100 NL Architects Ordos 100 appears to be a typical suburb. It envisions freestanding houses in an abundance of public and private green. But large part of the year, the site could be considered a desert. A desert covered in snow. Once the conditions are right the grass takes over, the best grass in the world. Still the temperature will drop below zero (read more…)
ORDOS 100 RSVP we decided to relocate our faith in architecture in terms of the discipline itself. We removed ourselves from any sarcastic, ironic or cultural contextual position in order to “Design” a house that will not only respond to the program but also to a more abstract order of complexities. Because our site culminates the perspectival axis (read more…)
ORDOS 100 NAO Ordos 100 will be a collection of architecture. NAO designed Villa 62 to collect the changing weather of the desert. The outside of Villa 62 can best be described as a continuous shelving system. The skin is designed to keep weather elements on the facade: snow, sand, rain and moss, changing during the four seasons of the year (read more…)
ORDOS 100 Rintala Eggertsson The landscape of the Ordos plateau in Inner Mongolia is wide and open, characterized by dunes of sand and low vegetation. The climate is stable and dry, with only 200-450 mm of annual rainfall, which has made livelihood in the area a great challenge throughout the centuries. Still today, the land is threatened by droughts (read more…)
ORDOS 100 Encore Heureux + G Studio French architects Encore Heureux & G Studio didn’t send a text for their Ordos villa, but the renderings are quite expressive. Judge for yourself (see more…)