Design Challenge: The elevated Frederick G. Gardiner Expressway has been a controversial element of the Toronto skyline since it was completed in 1966. In recent years, public debate has been intensifying over whether its future should be a renovation, relocation, or complete removal. While many plans and proposals have been put forth over the years, none have produced a sufficiently compelling vision for a new urban identity and truly functional transportation system.
Waterfront Toronto and the City of Toronto are seeking input from the world’s most talented and creative design and engineering professionals in developing bold new concepts for the future of the elevated Gardiner Expressway and Lake Shore Boulevard, including the adjacent lands. The goal of the Innovative Design Competition is to produce a bold solution or series of bold solutions that can generate broad consensus on the best way forward for the eastern portion of the elevated Gardiner Expressway.
The intent of the Innovative Design Competition is to infuse the Environmental Assessment process with incisive design ideas and bring creative new solutions to the table. For more information about the submission requirements, click here.