Sou Fujimoto has unveiled three design proposals for an extension to Philip Johnson’s Kunsthalle Bielefeld in Germany. Since its completion in 1968, the museum has built a reputation for hosting temporary exhibitions. However, with the construction of the new wing, Kunsthalle Bielefeld will expand their services to accommodate a contemporary art gallery.
Read on to review Sou Fujimoto’s three proposals...

Inspired by the location’s lush surroundings, which determined the theme of Fujimoto’s 2012 Kunsthalle Bielefeld exhibition “Architecture as Forest,” each scheme attempts to merge the architecture with its landscape. The first proposal, “Stacked Landscape” is derived from the conceptual continuation of the museum’s sculpture park. Its curving volumes are stacked to create a landscape of enclosed galleries and open terraces.

The second concept, “Porous Park” acts as an autonomous structure punctured by landscape. Whereas the tapered form of the third proposal, “Fortress” opens up the urban environment of the Adenauer motivic space with respect to a nearby castle.

Reference: baunetz.de, kunsthalle-bielefeld.de, designboom