Taking place during the National Building Museum's Summer Block Party, the Architecture 101 lecture series explores iconic styles during significant periods in architectural history. The two lectures, titled 'Miesian' (July 20) and 'Expressionism' (July 27) will serve as a refresher course for the professional or student or providing the novice with a chance to learn more about the world of architecture. More information after the break.

Miesian, July 20
Kevin Herrington, professor of art & architectural history at the Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT), considers the architecture of, or influenced by, Ludwig Mies van der Rohe(1886-1969), which is characterized by large expanses of plate glass, visible steel framing, and minimal structural decoration. 1.5 LU (AIA)

Expressionism, July 27
Randall Ott, dean of the School of Architecture and Planning at the Catholic University of America, discusses expressionism in architecture, which emphasizes a distortion of form for emotional effect, and the concept of architecture as a piece of art. 1.5 LU (AIA)
The lectures explore the physical characteristics associated with the movements and how each reflects the culture, politics, and technical innovations of its time. For more information, please visit here.