Entries are now being accepted for “Your World, Reimagined: A Global Design Competition.”
Presented by Nemetschek Vectorworks, Inc., MAXON Computer, DOSCH DESIGN, Arroway Textures® and AMD FireProTM graphics, “Your World, Reimagined” asks professional and student designers to tackle an old, dilapidated, or run-down locale and redesign it for a new, improved use. Entries can range in focus from adaptive reuse to landscape reclamation or object redesign.
Winners will be selected by a panel of judges from around the world, including designer and sculptor Nicholas Dunand; digital artist Shinya Fujimura from 3D-KOBO architect François Lévy lighting and production designer Tyler Littman of Sholight, LLC architectural visualizer Alejandro Nogueira from DECC 3D Art; architect Peter Petz from German-Architects.com digital animator Marc Potocnik from renderbaron architectural visualizer Erik Recke from Datenland assistant professor Katherine Bambrick Ambroziak from the College of Architecture and Design at the University of Tennessee Knoxville; and project architects Maxime Czvek, Thomas Rigby and Tom Boogaerts from BOGDAN & VAN BROECK ARCHITECTS.
In addition to an overall award for Best Overall Design Concept, winners will be selected in the following categories: Best Computer Rendering, Best Animation, Best 3D Modeling and Best 2D Plan. More information, including prizes by categories after the break.
Best Overall Design Concept:
- $2,000 Visa gift card sponsored by AMD
- An article in a prominent, global design magazine, highlighting the winner and his/her design
- DOSCH DESIGN Collection: HDRI Complete
Best Computer Rendering:
- $1,000 Visa gift card sponsored by MAXON
- Arroway Textures All-In-One Bundle + Tiles-1
- DOSCH Textures: Arch Views America
- DOSCH Textures: Arch Views Asia
- DOSCH Textures: Arch Views Nature
Best Animation:
- DOSCH DESIGN Prize Bundle
- $1,000 Visa gift cardsponsored by MAXON
Best 2D Plan:
- $1,000 Visa gift card sponsored by Nemetschek Vectorworks
- Arroway Textures Wood-Veneers CE
- Arroway Textures Construction Bundle + Tiles-1
Best 3D Modeling:
- $1,000 Visa gift card sponsored by Nemetschek Vectorworks
- Arroway Textures All-In-One Bundle + Tiles-1
Submissions will be accepted until August 16, 2013. Entries can range from a conceptual design to a completed project with full design development and may consist of up to two design boards or one design board and a movie file that demonstrates their design’s conceptual imagery. Each submission should explain what site existed prior to the new, reimagined design. All submissions must use Vectorworks® or CINEMA 4D software. Designers can submit only one entry. For a free, 30-day trial of Vectorworks software, visit www.vectorworks.net/trial/form. For a free, 42-day trial of CINEMA 4D, visit www.maxon.net/products/demo-version/download-form.html.
To enter or for more information, including the complete competition rules, please visit: www.vectorworks.net/design-competition.