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Integrated School of Building: 'Submit a 10'


The Integrated School of Building, the not-for-profit institute in the city of Chicago, recently launched 'Submit a 10', a new lean course proposal system open to anyone, worldwide, interested in delivering courses through InSB. A 10 is either a 10 slide presentation (, or (up to) 10 minute video (, or both, delivering an opportunity for quick and efficient learning to the public. In order to retain the best faculty, develop and deliver the best courses, and to meet current and ever-changing market demands in our industry globally, these speed sessions will fall under the broad categories that are Architecture, Engineering, Construction, Project Delivery, Urbanism, Real Estate, Interior Design, or Trades. For more information, please visit here.

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Cite: "Integrated School of Building: 'Submit a 10'" 31 Mar 2013. ArchDaily. Accessed 20 Feb 2025. <> ISSN 0719-8884

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