Lats year, we asked our Facebook Fans to share with us their thought on the best smartphone apps for architects. The list was quite interesting and at number 9 we had [steel] an app for iOS and Android developed by our friends at The Mobile Engineer.
Today, along with The Mobile Engineer, we are organizing a giveaway so 15 iOS users and 3 Android users can get [steel] and many other apps that would cost $30 if bought individually. To participate, you must become a registered user and answer the following question in our comments:
How much time did you spend working in your smartphone a year ago, how much time do you spend today, and how much time do you think you'll spend one year from today?
When leaving your comment, please specify if you're a iOS user, or an Android one. The winners will be announced next Monday!
Along with the giveaway, iOS users can select if they want to participate as beta testers for a new app that The Mobile Engineer is working on. This will give you free copies when released and your name/company will be credited with the app. If you would like to test it, please email David Homes directly at this address. Good luck!