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Renzo Piano Talks Architecture and Discusses 'The Shard' with BBC News


BBC’s Sarah Montague interviews Renzo Piano, the mastermind behind London’s most controversial and newest skyscraper: The Shard. Prior to the interview, Montague spotted Piano blending into the crowd during the opening of the 310-meter skyscraper “spying” on the onlookers. When asked about this moment, Piano revealed the great advice he received from the prominent Italian film director Roberto Rossellini upon the completion of the Pompidou Center in Paris: “You do not look at the building, you look at the people looking at the building.” It was during this moment that Piano observed “surprise” and “wonder, but not fear” amongst the onlookers - a reaction he seemed to be content with.

Despite Piano’s attempt to refrain from controversy, it is hard to avoid when your design intends to celebrate a “shift in society.” Change tends to stir mixed emotions and spark debate. However, being part of the “human adventure” as an architect is what Piano finds most rewarding. He states: “You don’t change the world as an architect, but you celebrate the change of the world.”

View from Saint Paul’s Cathedral (December 2012) © Lumberjack
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Cite: Karissa Rosenfield. "Renzo Piano Talks Architecture and Discusses 'The Shard' with BBC News" 18 Feb 2013. ArchDaily. Accessed 19 Feb 2025. <> ISSN 0719-8884

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