Emerging Voices is an award developed by the Architecture League of New York that annually selects eight practitioners in a juried portfolio selection. Award recipients are selected from the disciplines of architecture, landscape design and urbanism and display the sensibility of the profession in light of the larger issues related to the built environment. This year's selection includes: SO-IL, PRODUCTORA, Ogrydziak Prillinger Architects, MASS Design Group, graciastudio , dland studio, DIGSAU, and cao | perrot Studio.
Details after the break.
SO-IL, a New York based office of Florian Idenburg and Jing Lui uses the technique of abstraction to convey contextual elements that relate to function and site . The firm has recently worked on the Kukje Art Gallery in Seoul, and the Frieze Art Fair tent in New York. In 2010 the firm gained recognition by willing the 2010 MoMA/MoMA PS1 Young Architects Program for the project "Pole Dance".
PRODUCTORA, a firm based in Mexico City, has a tendency to develop architecture that expresses the tension between the context and the programmatic and aesthetic demands of the project. The firm has designed homes throughout Mexico City and has gained recognition for international competitions for public buildings.
San Francisco's Ogrydziak Prillinger Architects identify the design logics within a project only to subvert and complicate these controls to produce visually dynamic forms and spaces. Their recent work includes Parallax Pavilion, the Triskelion Exhbition Pavilion and the Gallery House.
MASS Design Group focuses their architectural work in socio-economic concerns. The firm investigates how design can contribute to relieving social determinants of poverty and illness by proposing holistic solutions. Recent work includes the Butaro Hospital in Rwanda, the Health Infrastructure Policy for the Liberia Ministry of Health and Social Welfare and the Cholera Treatment Center in Haiti.
Graciastudio, a firm based in Tijuana and San Diego, focuses its designs on the local markets of labor, materials and construction. Architect Jorge Gracia embraces the economic constraints of the studio's projects as motivations to inspire creative and innovative solutions, such as a recent focus on prefabricated architecture. Graciastudio recently completed Endémico Resguardo Silvestre in Baja, California, a hotel composed of twenty individually sited rooms; the Culinary Art School and CAS Hotel and the Encuentro Guadalupe.
dlandstudio practices an approach to urban design, community proposals and master plans that integrates the landscape as a symbiotic relationshop with ecology, infrastructure and design within large urban networks. The firm, founded by Susannah Drake, has worked on "A New Urban Ground" with Architecture Research Office for the Museum of Modern Art’s Rising Currents exhibition, a proposal for the Gowanus Canal in Brooklyn and the BQGREEN for the BQE Highway in Brooklyn.
DIGSAU is a Philadelphia-based practice that focuses on craft and low-tech construction. DIGSAU’s recent works include the Construction Training & Education Center in Wilmington, Delaware; the University of Delaware Campus Bookstore in Newark, Delaware; and, the Sister Cities Park & Pavilion in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
cao | perrot Studio creates hybrid environments by blending art and landscape, using themes like diaspora, imagination and memory. The studio calls its work "incidental placemaking", blending reality with imagined worlds on tangible sites. The office has recently completed the Guangming Central Park in Shenzen, China; the Red Bowl installation at Maladrerie Saint-Lazare in Beauvais, France; and Jardin des Hespérides in Métis-sur-Mer, Quebec.
Each firm will present and discuss its work in the Emerging Voices 2013 Lecture Series throughout March at the Scholastic Auditorium at 557 Broadway.
March 7th: SO-IL and graciastudio;March 14th MASS Design Group and dlandstudio;March 21st Ogrydziak Prillinger Architects and DIGSAU;March 28th PRODUCTORA and cao | perrot Studio. Visit htttp://archleague.org/2013/02/emerging-voices-2013 for details on tickets and membership.
See last year's winners here.
Images via Architectural League of New York.