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The New Wave In Danish Architecture


The pragmatic turn in Danish architecture in the 2000s is one of the most striking new trends in international architecture in the past decade, and it has attracted considerable interest around the world.The architectural firms represented in the book include BIG, jds, Cobe, Transform, Nord, Effekt, Adept, among others. Although these firms do easily fit into one single category or can be said to make up a unified movement, their projects do have certain significant features in common. These commonalities have led international media to view these projects as part of a common trend and a new phenomenon in Danish architecture.

The book aims to examine and describe this new phenomenon. Through interviews, essays and presentations of the architects and their works in words and images, the book illustrates how these young Danish architectural firms were able to gain a foothold on the Danish as well as the international architectural scene in the early part of the 21st century.


010 Forord Preface
012 Essay: The Pragmatic Turn in Danish Architecture of the 00s / Kristoffer Lindhardt Weiss
022 Studio: PLOT - Presentation and Selected Works
038 Interview: Bjarke Ingels, Pragmatic Utopias
056 Studio: BIG - Presentation and Selected Works
074 Interview: Kent Martinussen-Neue Sachlichkeit
086 Interview: Julien De Smedt, Attitude
094 Studio: JDS - Presentation and Selected Works
112 Interview: Shohei Shigematsu, New Danish School

126 Essay: The Prelude to the Breaktrough / Boris Brorman Jensen
135 Interview: Winy Mass, Copy-Paste - but Better
148 Interview: Dan Stubbergaard, Insanely Pragmatic
158 COBE - Presentation and Selected Works
172 ADEPT - Presentation and Selected Works
186 Essay: Utopia Station / Kristoffer Lindhardt Weiss
200 Interview: Jens Thomas Anfred; More Punk, Please
206 Studio: EFFEKT - Presentation and Selected Works

220 Interview: Carsten Thau, Architecture that Opens the World
236 Interview: NORD Architects, Building Content
252 Studio: NORD - Presentation and Selected Works
266 Essay: Welfare Urbanism / Tom Nielsen & Kristoffer Lindhardt Weiss
276 Interview: Jense Kvorning, Towards Complexity
290 Studio: TRANSFORM: 
302 Interview: Linda Tischler - Mere Værdi, More Value 
306 Essay: The BIG Bang / Svante Lindeburg

316 Essay: The Megaphone Generation / Rasmus Bech Hansen
326 Interview: Karsten Ifversen, Form Follows Concept 
331 Interview: Torben Weirup, Building Stories
336 Studio: Kollision - Presentation and Selected Works
347 POLYFORM, WE, SLETH, JAJA - Presentation and Selected Works
363 Essay: A Conversation about the Architecture of the New Wave / Kristoffer Lindhardt Weiss & Kjeld Vindum
377 Essay: After the Theory Wars? / Kristoffer Lindhardt Weiss 

Format: 21 x 28 cm
Published: 2012
Language: Danish/English
Binding: Hard cover
Pages: 384
ISBN: 9788774074106

About this author
Cite: Diego Hernández. "The New Wave In Danish Architecture" 21 Nov 2012. ArchDaily. Accessed 6 Feb 2025. <> ISSN 0719-8884

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