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29GPS Architecture: A geo located guide to architecture in your pocket


But it´s not just maps or directions. For example, 29GPS Architecture (developed by 29GPS) makes a very good use of this feature, featuring a daily selection of contemporary architecture and telling you exactly how far you are from it.

For example, works like the Hollywood House by XTEN or the recently opened Standard hotel in NY are presented with a set of photos (and even a video), with a radar (green,yellow or red, depending how far you are from the building) and a view that allows you to see the building pin pointed over Google Maps.

A very good app if you are traveling around and want to discover new architecture around. And the best of all, is that you can download this app for free (it contain some ads, see screenshoots ). There are two different versions of the app depending which measure system do you use, with the distance in either kilometers (download with iTunes, free) or miles (download with iTunes, free).

Screenshots and more info after the break.

Main screen, allows you to select the buildings, you can go page by page swiping with your fingers.

Introduction to a building. you can tap the arrow or swipe to see photos. Note that the radar tells how far I am from this house. If I was closer, it would be either yellow or red.

Tapping the radar, it takes you to a live Google Maps view. You can zoom in and see more details.

The recently opened Standard Hotel in NY is not only featured with photos, but also with a video:

About this author
Cite: Amber P. "29GPS Architecture: A geo located guide to architecture in your pocket" 30 Jun 2009. ArchDaily. Accessed 21 Feb 2025. <> ISSN 0719-8884

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