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Perkins Eastman proposal for Kohinoor Design Competition

Scheme A

Both schemes incorporate sustainable elements to create an indoor environment that is healthy to occupy and cost-effective to operate: intelligent facade design, harnessing alternative energies, harvesting and recycling rainwater, and incorporating smart technologies such as solar chimneys and abundant facade plantings to filter and improve air quality.

In each, colored glass and richly colored terra cotta contrast with cool sleek aluminum elements amid verdant landscaping. Both schemes utilize a bright and energizing palette of materials that integrate the colorful aspects of Indian culture with an unwavering commitment to a more sustainable environment.

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Cite: Sebastian Jordana. "Perkins Eastman proposal for Kohinoor Design Competition" 28 Jun 2009. ArchDaily. Accessed 24 Feb 2025. <> ISSN 0719-8884

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