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Danish Pavilion for Shanghai / 3XN Architects


3XN architects’ proposal for the Danish pavilion for the Shanghai expo 2010 uses their national flag to create a dynamic spatial environment. ”An exhibition window is an invitation that says: Welcome inside a little piece of Denmark. And in 2010, in the age of globalisation, it is important to add: Welcome to a Denmark that is part of the world,” stated the architects.

The competition for the pavilion was awarded to BIG as we reported earlier.

More about the pavilion after the break.

Even from a distance, the 3,000 sqm pavilion, constructed with red and white rectangles, is easily identifiable with the Danes.   Upon approaching, the building is understood as not only being clad in the country’s colors, but also being a three dimensional version of the flag.  The four red rectangular fields form eight blocks and the white creates an open space in the center where users can view exhibitions.  Entrances and exits are emphasized by the slight shifting of the geometric planes that also provide shelter from the rain and shade on sunny days.

Conceptual thinking for the pavilion led the architects to focus on the four areas used to globally market the country: Denmark as responsible and balanced, with a focus on high quality, experimental and courageous, and characterised by environmental awareness, simplicity and efficiency.  Each characteristic receives its own rectangle so that the characteristics are reflected not only in the individual forms, but also in the pavilion itself.

Images courtesy of 3XN. As seen on designboom.

Address: Shanghai, China Client: The Danish Ministry of Economic and Business Affairs Area: 3,000 m2 3XN Team: Kim Herforth Nielsen, Jan Ammundsen, Stig Vesterager Gothelf, Rasmus Hjortshøj, Mans Nijkamp, Ulrich Pohl, Majbritt Lerche Madsen, Stephen Clarke, Berglind Elfudottir, Christian Bundegaard, Bodil Nordstrøm, Christina Melholt Brogaard

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Cite: Karen Cilento. "Danish Pavilion for Shanghai / 3XN Architects" 20 Jun 2009. ArchDaily. Accessed 24 Feb 2025. <> ISSN 0719-8884

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